Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Tuesday, 5 August
Today’s so amazing for me as I had some subsequent accidental meetings on my way home. First, I met a classmate in the primary school who I’ve not talked for ages. He’s actually changed so much from a chubby little boy to a slender, good-looking and mature sophomore that I nearly didn’t recognize him. We gossiped away merrily about eveyday businesses and then he intended to treat me with his university’s specialty called “ Bach Khoa self-catering sweet soup” but ironically, the food stall had not been opened by the time we got there. We had no other choice than waiting for another bus to get Long Bien terminal and so surprisingly, I came across a high school girl friend who would be in the same university as me now if she had not changed her mind in the last minute. She’s still cute and sweet like before and we shot the breeze and reminisced old memories happily while standing in a crowded and noisy bus. After that, whilst getting off the bus, I stumbled into a secondary friend who possesses two lovely “bunny teeth” , used to be a close fellow of mine and is gonna be a primary teacher down the road. From this conversation, I’m “updated” with information about other mates. It seems that most of them are falling in love, I find them so admirable and well, to tell the truth, I feel a lttle bit jealous. Finally, I saw an old buddy taking her cute little nephew to the shop to have a new haircut. After some jokes, we seperated in peals of laughters. Well, today properly should be named “the day of remiscences”. A song for these feelings:

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