Monday, July 28, 2014

IELTS: Describe a school event you enjoyed
Well, I need to kick off with the point that I used to attend plenty of school activities, however the one I find most memorable is the welcome party of my English club when I was an eighth grader. That occasion for me, a new recruit (a new comer/member) was so speacial and meant a lot as I could have a chance to meet and talk with other members so I would feel more familiar and comfortable in subsequent meetings. People were so friendly, open and humourous so I could chat chit and shoot the breeze freely (gossip over) over things in school and therefore I was able to get better mutual understanding. As well as that, the decorations of the party were so great and elaborate. There was a long banner saying the slogan of our club "Sharing to get more" and colorful balloons, ribbons and confetti. Another thing I should mention is that the ambience there was so cozy, feel like a family and also exicting and electric. People sang, danced in round with a big cake in the middle. I was particularly fond of drinks, fruits and cakes, all of which were so tasty. We also played some games, say, the King and the Queen, Picture Guessing and so on. Another thing I should not to forget is that on this occasion, I could meet and talk with the president of the club, a tall, bright guy who is so proficient at English and has a great sense of humor. To be honest, it was enchanting to meet him that day.
That's all I can say about my event.

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