Monday, July 28, 2014

28 July 2014
Today is quite good, generally speaking. I got up from my bed in the early morning (actually 6am, though). Then, after some monotonous household chores, I had my breakfast with some rice, soup and fish. As a rule, I drank a cup of coffee to feel fresh and ready for study. I tried many times before finishing 2 official recordings to send to my teacher by email. Well, to tell the truth, I feel like there was a different person other than me speaking from the media player; it seems much like a man's voice.*feel ashamed*. After that, not until 9am that I submitted my recordings to the teacher and I felt so guity of my laziness as in fact, I had 2 days to do homework but I completely ignored it and watched a Chinese film instead. :((. I don't know why but I'm always tempted by good-for-nothing movies, kind of like about prince and princess, Cinderella. I feel myself like a day dreamer and I hate myself in this way so much, but however I try to stay away from temptations, I every now and then, find myself buried with such films. Once again, I promise to be more hard-working and try my best not to be distracted from my work. Well, coming back to today's stuff, after enjoying my lunch, I cycled to the bus stop as a rule. Ironically, neither the bus stop nor the parking lot has been operated today. As a consequence, I had to leave my bicycle into my uncle's house and then walked for almost 15 minutes to get the new bus stop. :(. For this reason, it was no suprise that I was 20 minutes late for the class. Today's lesson was about describing flows, diagrams and something else I don't remember right now. :v. Oh my goodness, it's so complicated but kind of interesting as I found out some infrequently used words for a non-native speaker like me, let's say, moth (sau tam, sau buom), cocoon (ken), mulberry leaves (la tam), silkworm (con tam), feces (to) etc. After class, I made up my mind to hang around the Hoan Kiem Lake with the purpose of catching some foreigners to talk with. Well, I had a chance to meet and shoot the breeze with two German girls who were twins. They're so lovely, open and have a sense of humor so the conversation went quite smoothly and merrily. They said that they're so keen on "Pho" that they eat this dish everyday and I said I'm also addicted to it as well. :v. Another thing I should not forget is that either of them smoke. :v. To tell the truth, I don't like people who smoke; however today I don't know why I felt this ok. I guess part of the reason is that they're so cute.:)). Well, today I also met a girl at my age named Thao, a sophomore from a private university, actually not very prestigious. We got acquainted quite quickly and got on with each other very well. I guess the reason has something to do with the fact that we're both passionate about English. To be frank, she is not as good as me but I still felt so cheerful because I can find out someone with the same passion. This reminds me of a guy who is my old classmate, called Khai. He's fond of English, too. Nevertheless, he doesn't seem to want to practice with me. It's just my feeling. Is he shy? Oh my goodness!! :)). By the way, tonight, I texted him that he'll probably remain a "BACHELOR" or stated differently, he'll on the shelf all his life if he's still overconfident that he's attractive. :v. Well, that's enough for today, my dear diary. :)

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