Friday, July 25, 2014

IELTS: Describe your mother

Well, I bet I do not go so far as to say that my mother is one of the greatest women in the world. You know, our acquaintances often comment on her appearance that she looks much older than her true age and I guess I really know the reason why. My father passed away many years ago and left behind his wife and three children so my mother has to shoulder the burden of taking care of us alone (by herself). In order to support the whole family, she has no choice other than works harder. She not only has to work in the field all day but she also gets a variety of part-time job from working as a cleaner on weekends to a tailor in evenings. Owing to overworking and worrying too much, she is getting older quickly as lots of wrinkles appear on her face which was once so gorgeous and even worse, her back hurts much recently. Nevertheless, regardless of being buried with work, she takes care of us very well. As a routine, every early morning, she rushes to market to purchase food for the whole day, then prepares breakfast for us before rushing again to work. For us, her meals are the best in the world and it is no exaggeration to say that even the cleverest chef is basically incomparable. And something else I need to comment on is that she is not only a mother but also like a close friend of mine who I feel absolutely secure to confide in all my secrets and concerns. She is so good at listening to me and always gives me useful piece of advice to work out problems. To be frank, I’ve never told her how much I love her since I feel so shy; however, from the bottom of my heart, I’m always grateful for her enormous sacrifice and immense affection for us. That’s all I can say about my beloved mother.

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